
2nd workshop of SOFIA – SOcial health Frailty as determinants of Inequality in Ageing

The aging of the population is a growing challenge in Europe, and the SOFIA project aims to explore its implications for the health and well-being of the elderly people while simultaneously reducing the long-term costs associated with aging.

The key factor investigated is the frailty, defined as the increased vulnerability of elderly individuals. Our goal is to propose measures of frailty in different domains (e.g. physical frailty, social frailty) by using various types of data, such as administrative and survey data. We also aim to understand how frailty is associated with health and socio-economic factors. By uncovering these connections, we can develop more effective policies to support an increasingly aging population. The project also endeavors to forecast regional population trends based on demographic, socio-economic, and health variables.

Our overarching mission is, therefore, to improve the quality of life of elderly individuals and play a crucial role in promoting a healthier and more sustainable society.

In addressing the challenges posed by population aging, the SOFIA project brings together various Italian universities.

Partner Universities and Principal Investigators

University of Padova: Giovanna Boccuzzo

University of Bologna: Rossella Miglio

Free University of Bolzano-Bozen: Giulia Cavrini

University of Molise: Cecilia Tomassini

University of Torino: Fulvio Ricceri

The project is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, 2017 MiUR-PRIN Grant Prot. N.2020KHSSKE.






